In December 2016, just as the ski season was about to kick off, Matthias and Uwe opened Coworking Bansko. They wanted to create a base for themselves in Bulgaria, live in this beautiful mountain paradise and take advantage of the 10% flat tax rate. But without other like-minded people it would have been too boring. So they started Coworking Bansko as a community for location-independent people to work together, learn from each other, and have fun.

Their dream is a reality now. Bansko has become a well-known digital nomad destination and there are between 80-100 members each month that create an amazing environment to be productive during the day and socialize in the evenings. In addition to daily activities organized by the coworking space, the community hosts a wide variety of happenings on an array of interesting topics, from neuroscience to theater. The members explore the outdoors together, practice sports and experience the incredible culture, food, and adventure. They share splendid wine, kayak through breathtaking canyons, and relax in the healing waters of Banya’s hot springs.